So how do you prove generalizations? Most people rationalize them, but very few actually try to prove them. It is very difficult to prove generalizations because they are always based on false assumptions. Ann has found a great formula for her proof. I like to call this formula, one for all and all for one.
There are two steps to this formula. First, take a comment that has been made by any member of the group and apply it all. This one is pretty useful: if one liberal says they don’t believe in God than no liberals do. In this way you can take anything ever said and label the whole group with it. Best of all this can be done regardless of how unrelated the individual is to the group. This is how Ann can prove that liberals love both Stalin and Hitler.
The second step is where it gets clever. It is not enough for a group to stand for certain beliefs, but the individuals believe everything the whole group does. If one liberal says they don’t like the death penalty because it’s inhumane than all liberals, as individuals, believe the same thing and no liberals believe differently. This goes further than a label or statistic. In Ann’s world the idea is concrete not a possibility. Like the first step, this step can be done regardless of the individual.
By following these steps Ann finds contradictions in the liberal mentality. For Ann she can say the following and it makes sense. When talking about the death penalty Ann will say “They say that life in prison thinking about the crime is worse than death. Evidently not to the murders on death row who regularly fight their execution tooth and nail. But just so we understand, is the problem here that the death penalty is too humane, or not humane enough?”1 Ann uses “they” to make sure she doesn’t have to quote anyone and can attribute to all liberals equally. She uses this kind of statement to prove that all liberals have an innate hypocrisy in their ideology. She completely ignores that a group can’t be hypocritical because it’s made up of many different mentalities and ideologies.
It is possible for an individual to be a hypocrite. So here is my favorite example of Ann demonstrating the concept. In her book Slander Ann makes the following statement. “More than other hate speech, the left’s attacks on women for being ugly tell you everything. There is nothing so irredeemably cruel as an attack on a woman for her looks. Attacking a female for being ugly is a hideous thing, always inherently vicious.”2
So anyone, by Ann’s standards, anyone who attacks women for their looks is irredeemably cruel, and vicious. Ann, you are irredeemably cruel, and vicious. Here is what she has to say about Susie Landalfy and Andrea Duerkan. “…Miss Landalfy, to put it as charitably as possible is physically repulsive in apearance. With a presentation that was about as erotic as phone sex with Andrea Duerkan, or actual sex with Andrea Duerkan come to think of it”1 The rest of the quote just gets worse, but you can listen to it yourself.
1. Ann Coulter, “Godless, The Church Of Liberalism,” [audio CD] Random House Audio. I attached the audio so you can listen to Ann says all these things herself.
2. Ann Coulter. “Slander: Liberal Lies About The American Right.” Crown Publishers, New York, New York. 2002
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